Last year when Mike had off for all the bank holidays I took vacation days as well. It’s fun being able to kick back and spend a day together. Yesterday we found ourselves sleeping in til 8(ahhhhh) eating breakfast in bed(compliments of me) and then heading down to Frederick to see what we could see. Yours truly sadly only took a single picture the whole day. :-( But I headed of to some websites and collected some pictures to show you what we were up too…
First stop was The Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center. Not a huge place but it was nice moseying around the place, plus it was free to get into. What was not nice is the fact that I was almost backed into while trying to get there.
Next stop was The Frederick Coffee Company & Cafe where we sat awhile enjoying our lattes and playing a game.
Yes this is the only picture I took all day. The table at which we sat!
After lattes we headed to Francis Scott Key Mall were we found some good buys for Mike but nothing for me, which is pretty normal since I’m so picky…
Walking around a mall makes you hungry. The time had come to head to Bonefish Grill. Mike had heard good things and we ended up getting a gift card for Christmas that we could use there.
The food was EXCELLENT. We both had salmon with a different sauces on top. Me a mango salsa and Mike lemon butter. We ended our meal with a piece of key lime pie. If you're ever in Frederick you’ll have to check the place out!!
We then stopped by Hagerstown Outlets on the way home where we once again found some good buys for Mike. I guess I’m destined to shop at Target…
And then to end the day we made a quick Brusters run for our favorite – ICE CREAM!!
And then it happened, we woke up and it was Tuesday. And there was snow and ice. And we had to go to work… And get groceries…
And make supper…
And wash dishes(Mike’s job)…
And clean bathrooms a bathroom…
And wash towels…
And exercise…
And last but not least find time at the end of the day for devotions…
Not all exactly fun things. But pretty much a day in the life of Melissa & Mike :-)
James and I have the same devotional book. Very good!