First up for the review Guatemala Huehuetenango. Huehuetenango is in the northeast highlands of Guatemala. This area is famous for growing some of the most fragrant and aromatic coffees in the world.
We prepared the coffee beans first with our burr grinder and then it went into the French Press. Huehuetenango is a smooth medium roast with mild acidity. This roast had hints of cocoa and citrus (lemon). My wife and I both enjoyed it although it was not our top favorite of the four. This roast would be best for a relaxed Saturday breakfast cup of coffee when you can enjoy the great aroma.
Next we tried the Kenya AA Kimunye coffee beans. As normal the beans went to the burr grinder then into the French Press.
Kenya got into coffee growing later than other counties and a plausible result of this allows them to have one of the more modern coffee industries. They were the first to adopt a reasonable grading system (AA is the highest grade). (And if you are wondering Kimunye is a region of Kenya)
This roast had a LOT of flavor and was complex and almost wine like. Acidity is what roasters or professional cuppers call “bright”. Layman terms? It’s noticeable and you can’t miss it but in a good way. One of the first things I thought of while drinking my first cup was “this is almost tart but very smooth”. I know that sounds almost confusing but it had a light “bite” while being smooth and very flavorful. This was my first Kenya coffee and I was not disappointed!
Brazil Mogiana was up next. Brazil is well known for growing excellent coffee beans and for those beans having low acidity.
My wife and I both loved this coffee. It was a medium roast that was very smooth and sweet. It reminded me of milk chocolate but the tasting notes on the company’s website said “sweet butter”. I’m sticking to my milk chocolate because I’m stubborn that way. If you try this coffee and do not like it, you simply don’t like coffee. This coffee was like silk and no/little acidity. I highly recommend trying roast!
Our final roast was Sumatra Gayo Linge (and Fair Trade at that). Sumatra is an Indonesian coffee (don’t you just love how you can “travel” the world in coffee cup?!). This coffee is grown in a high-humidity climate and volcanic soil. These two combined make a good cup of coffee.
This coffee had a full body and I would consider it a dark roast. It did not have the “burnt bean” taste made famous by Starbucks so do not let the dark roast comment run away with your imagination. This coffee roast had low/sweet acidity. For a darker roast this coffee was very smooth and the major tasting note seemed to be chocolate. You have to think dark chocolate not milk chocolate. Despite the dark chocolate favor there was no bitterness. This coffee would be ideal for people who enjoy dark coffee and for people who want to try something different but may be nervous of the darker roasts.
Check out the roasters at: http://www.fatpuppycoffee.com/
Or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FatPuppyCoffee
The awesome coffees from Fat Puppy Coffee (you may not be able to see from the size of the picture but they include the roasting date on the coffee). If you want fresh coffee always go by the roasting date and keep the unused coffee in a air tight container.

{Disclaimer}: This coffee was sent to me free in exchange for a review
but our thoughts and opinions are my own.