Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mike Has A Birthday!

He’d rather not talk about it but this year was the big 30 for Mike. The good news is he did survive his birthday and if you ask me life doesn’t seem all that much different from when he turned 29. He might say something different though... :-)

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One of those warm winter days found us out doing one of our favorite things - 

Mike and I

Hike 2

Mike and Lydia

Hike 3

Amanda and Elisabeth

Hike 4

Elisabeth, Mike, Me & Lydia


Thursday, May 24, 2012


This year is just flying right by. It’s almost June and I’m so slow that I’ve just recently posted Christmas pictures. Hopefully I’ll soon be caught up and staying up to date on a more regular basis. That is the long term short term goal anyway…

So far 2012 has brought -

One last time of babysitting Melissa before she and her parents(our friends) moved away. Miss this little sweetheart and her family…

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And then there were birthdays!!

My Dad


Nephew Logan


Mike and I with nephew Kenny :-)

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There was a day trip to Washington D.C. with Simon and Jenny. Of course I really didn’t get good pictures…

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Lunch at Le Pain Quotidien!

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Art Museum

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Went hiking

Hike  Hike 2 Hike 3 Hike 4

Had another birthday…

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And tried roasting our own coffee…

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Christmas With Melissa’s Family

Mike’s family get together was on Christmas Eve so Christmas day after Church we headed to my Grandparents for more family celebrations…

Our Christmas Tree


Dressed for church


At my Grandparents with Parents, Aunts, Uncle & Cousins

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Ending Christmas with a Packers game
