I am thankful for… Our Home! Due to the price of rent in our area we decided our best option would be to buy a home. We looked and looked and suddenly a end unit townhouse caught out eye. It looked like the perfect first home. We took a look, liked what we saw and made an offer. Before we knew it the very first, and only house we looked at became ours.
Many hours of work and lots of labor of love were put into our home to make the outward appearance more appealing. But far more importantly that the outward appearances I’m thankful for the love that can be found within these four walls. And I pray that our home can be a place were family and friends know they are always welcome!
Families all around us are crumbling every day,
Yielding to the enemy and throwing life away.
Bind our lives together, Guard us with Your truth;
When the struggle seems too great, Lord, keep our eyes on You.
Thank You for Your goodness; our love was in Your plan.
Help us face the future always trusting in Your hand.
Keep us warm and tender; Keep us clean and pure.
Drive us to each other’s arms, and make our love endure
Lord, bless our home, protect our home;
Let it be a refuge in this world of sin.
Lord, reign within, keep us strong and true:
And when we need You most,
Lord, draw us close, committed to each other.
Lord, bless our home: we give our home to you.