Friday, July 1, 2011

Vacation Day Two – Evening at Lake Canandaigua

After a day of hiking at Letchworth, eating at P.F. Chang’s and having custard at Abbotts we decided to check out the lake. First we drove along the lake to see if we could find any vineyards. I remember how cool the fields of grapes looked when I was in this area before. But no, we found nothing. So we went back to the lake to park and walk around.


Lots of self photography happened on this trip.

I love the timer option on my camera!!

P6200784 P6200786 P6200787 P6200788 P6200789 P6200791

See all those shiny things. There were gnats EVERYWHERE. Just walking around they got all over us. We decided this wasn’t the best place for walking and called it quits…
